Friday, 1st October

2010.10.01. 21:16 | beno459 | Szólj hozzá!

Today, didn't happen any special at school. We played basketball at P.E. and our team won the game. After school I was go to the McDonald's with my classmates. During the walk we saw a nice fountain. Then I went home. During this walk I almost lost my shoe, but finally I found it.

Thursday, 30th September

2010.09.30. 21:25 | beno459 | Szólj hozzá!

Today, I got my Geology test. It's a 3. Then I was happy, because I didn't get my Physics test, because the rest of the class were ruins it, like me. After that, I got a 5 for back-muscle test in P.E. Our English teacher wasn't able to be here, so the advanced group went home after five lessons.

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